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Eu Free Trade Agreement Mercosur

The recently signed European Union (EU) free trade agreement with the Mercosur bloc has generated a lot of buzz among trade experts and economic analysts worldwide. The agreement marks a significant milestone for both regions, as it creates one of the world`s largest free trade areas with a combined population of over 780 million people.

The Mercosur bloc includes Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. These countries, especially Brazil, have significant agricultural resources and export potential. The EU is the largest market for Mercosur products, with trade between the two regions reaching over €88 billion in 2018.

The agreement will eliminate tariffs on most goods and services, including agricultural products such as beef, chicken, and sugar. It will also increase the quota of goods allowed to be imported by the EU from Mercosur countries.

The EU-Mercosur trade agreement is expected to bring many benefits to both regions. European companies will have access to a vast market, allowing them to expand their businesses and increase profits. Mercosur countries will benefit from increased exports and the creation of new jobs, particularly in the agricultural sector.

However, critics of the agreement argue that it will have a negative impact on the environment and human rights. Brazil, in particular, has come under fire for its record on deforestation, which is a major concern for environmental advocacy groups. The agreement does include provisions on sustainable development and the protection of human rights, but critics argue that they are not strong enough.

Another concern is the impact on small farmers in both regions, who may face stiff competition from larger agricultural companies. Supporters of the agreement argue that it will benefit small farmers by increasing demand for their products and providing access to new markets.

Overall, the EU-Mercosur trade agreement is a significant development in the global trade landscape. It will create new opportunities for businesses and boost economic growth in both regions. However, it is important to ensure that the agreement is implemented in a way that benefits all parties and does not have negative impacts on the environment or human rights.