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Common App Ed Agreement Form

As a professional, I understand the importance of creating content that is both informative and search engine optimized. In this article, we will be discussing the Common App ED Agreement Form and providing readers with all the necessary information about this important document.

The Common App ED Agreement Form is a binding agreement that is signed by students and their parents or guardians when applying for admission to college through the Common Application. This form is specifically for students who are applying for Early Decision (ED) admission.

The Early Decision program is an option for students who have identified a top-choice college and are willing to commit to attending that college if accepted. By applying Early Decision, students are able to demonstrate their strong interest in a particular school and increase their chances of being admitted.

The ED Agreement Form is an important part of the Early Decision process because it outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement between the student and the college. By signing the form, students and their parents or guardians are acknowledging that they have read and understand all the information provided and are agreeing to abide by the rules outlined in the document.

Some of the key points that are covered in the ED Agreement Form include:

1. The student agrees to attend the college if accepted through Early Decision.

2. The student agrees to withdraw any other college applications if accepted through Early Decision.

3. The student agrees to enroll in the college`s entering class and to withdraw any applications to other colleges if accepted through Early Decision.

4. The student agrees to submit the enrollment deposit by the agreed-upon deadline.

5. The student acknowledges that the Early Decision agreement is binding and that they will not be allowed to withdraw from the agreement.

It is important for students and their parents or guardians to carefully read and understand the ED Agreement Form before signing it. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the agreement, it is recommended that students seek guidance from their school counselor or an admissions representative at the college.

In conclusion, the Common App ED Agreement Form is a crucial document for students who are applying for Early Decision admission to college through the Common Application. By carefully reading and understanding the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement, students can demonstrate their commitment to their top-choice college and increase their chances of being admitted.